The Future (probably)

The predictions about the water shortage advanced so, in 10 years maybe we would be living the start of the World War 3 for the water resources of the planet. In that scenario I don’t think we will be so good here in Chile, seeing as the water is private and poorly distributed and many of us would not have enough money to pay for it, or get much in the distribution. If I have not moved to Finland or something in that time, maybe my family and I had run to the south with other thousands of people in search of better conditions. But even then, it would not be a pretty future to live in.

That if everything goes wrong with humanity.

If the future turns out to be prettier, I’ll be living with my sister in a tiny but comfortable flat somewhere near the mountain range in Santiago, or if life treats us better, near the coast. With a canary or a hedgehog or a mini dog or a fish, or whatever pet we could maintain with our salary., because life can’t be lived without some animal love, even if you are poor. I would possibly be despairing because my fertility levels have begun to decay, and if my monetary situation still isn’t good enough to birth a child, then I’ll be looking for the way to save more money and the legal procedures to adopt being a single woman. 
If the bureaucratic system has not improved by then, I’ll probably just keep the pet.


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