Post 7: Let me tell you about...

Dieter Rams! 

a German industrialist designer, born on May 20, 1932.

 (that most of you will know about because we learned about him the first year)

But anyway, is the only one I could think about.

Dieter Rams is mostly known in design because of his work for the Braun company and his "Ten principals for the good design". I like him for his functionalist focus, were you cut the excess of ornaments and unnecessary things and leave just the necessary in an object for it to be functional, understandable, practical and pleasing to the eye. It’s the high of practicality and I like the idea of not complicate things unnecessarily, for him “less is better”. For him, the best way to see if a design is good is to ask yourself:

Is it innovative?
Makes the product useful?
Is it aesthetic?
Makes the product understandable?
Is it unobtrusive?
Is it honest?
Is it long-lasting?
Is it thorough down to the last detail?
Is it environmentally friendly?
Is it as little design as possible?

These are now considered his Ten Principles of Good Design 


  1. It is a great reference in industrial design, I really like everything he has done for the design.

  2. in the design industry in an icon and even today they are still replicating their steps.

  3. definitelly less is better because this can help you to express in a best way the real function of something.

  4. is very good to ask yourself this question because can help you design better things


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