My favourite piece of technology

All the good things come in pairs!

My favorite pieces of technology are my cellphone and headphones combined. I got them at the same time, my grandmother bought new phones for me and my twin sister in one of those instances where it was just us and our little sister taking a walk for Valparaiso, she also bought us matching headphones.

Cellphones are amazing for almost everything, but what I like the most are the Music app, where I can make my music lists and they play without pauses like in Spotify, my Podcast app where I mostly listen to Science VS, a program about science, and the Aloud voice reader app that reads books and short stories to me. It’s really helpful when my eyes are tired or sore.

Without them my time on the subway will be so terribly boring. And I couldn’t listen to them without my headphones! (the big ones, I use little ones when I'm at home)
I like to keep my music and my readings for myself most of the time, so, headphones it is! Also, putting them on helps me concentrate more on what I want to listen and less on my surroundings.  


  1. I thought I was the only crazy person who has 2 pairs of headphones: small ones to use in the street and the big ones to use in my house

  2. I thing the same….I can't go in the subway without music because this seems so boring and horrible.....
    Definitely is a torture….

  3. I wasn’t to be boring, only if you talk to me… Joking, I will die without my headphones too.

  4. when I think about it, I never leave without checking if I wear my headphones


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