A Birthday Party (The First of its Kind)

On my 14th birthday, we had our first pajama party with my sister. After that, it started to be common between our group of friends to stay over at each other houses, but this instance was special because it started the tradition.

Most of our school friends went to the party, I think just one could not make it because I don't remember her being there. Anyway, most of the gang was reunite under the same roof that time, and even the two brothers of one of my friends stayed with us.

We did it on my grandmother’s house because it was bigger, and we could use the yard and living room to do our things. We eat a lot of the usual snacks and many pastries. I think we played Wii, we didn’t had many games at the time so my friends bring some of theirs and more commands for all of us to have a turn.

Later in the afternoon was the moment to decide if they were staying or going home, but just the big brother of my friend decided to go, her little brother wanted to stay with us.

We had to make room for nine people to sleep in the living room that night, so we put some mats and thin mattress my grandmother was not using, with many bedcovers. Then the adults let us the big TV screen and DVD player to see some movies and went to sleep.

Two of my friends with the stowaway boy then had the brilliant idea to mix coffee and Coca-Cola to drink, and they got super frenetic even when we put off the lights. In one point, they started to laugh and could not stop, and the little brother of my sister started jumping from one couch to the other, but in the morning they were acting as if they were hangover, it was a weird but comic situation for all of us.


  1. it's supposed in the pajamas party you can not sleep!!!

  2. Crazy things happens when all the gang was reunite, oh the good old days

  3. with my friends we also organized pajama parties, but when we were older we ended up outside the house haha


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