My autobiography

Hello there!

My name is Camila Palma and the most interesting thing about me usually is that I have a twin sister. We were born on the amazing month of December, with the Teletón, Christmas and New Year around the corner. It’s a very good month!

I was on a special school on my first years because I had difficulties with my pronunciation and it was hard to understand me. But I got better! And my grades were always good, even when my teachers couldn’t understand what I was saying.

I enter to the Carmela Carvajal de Prat high school on seventh grade, with my sister of course, and there we made some of our most important friends. About that time, I discover that I liked to write very much, and my sister and sometimes my friends would read whatever I wrote. My group of friends and I aren’t much of wild parties, we prefer to play Just Dance, or some board games, or even cook something inside each other houses. It could seem a little boring, but it works for me. And my parents are very happy about that.

That’s all for now!


  1. Hello!, I just want to say that the just dance is the best to play with Friends, it's really funny.

    1. Yes it is! Is so great that you can be uncoordinated together


  2. wow!! I can understand how you feeling when your teacher doesn’t understand what do you say, because when I was child I don’t say Spanish and I couldn’t understand what say teacher and them couldn’t understand me jajajajaja . But now every people understand That's what matters.

  3. Hi, Cami!

    Each person has fun in its own way and it is great to meet those who enjoy the same things. How nice it's to spend time with your friends, especially for the activities they do together! :D
    I imagine many laughs in Just Dance, especially when someone doesn't coordinate with the steps jajaja

  4. December always was a great month, but it turned The Greatest when we born ;D I love you Mana


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