"Free" Post 6: Favorite Subject

This is hard! 

Because most of the time I don’t have favorite subjects, but favorite people teaching me something. Sometimes, the person that is teaching me some subject gains more relevance that the subject itself.

For example, last year my best days at University were when I had Project I and II because I had them with Mauricio Vico, and his assistant, Mauricio Adasme. They were a great team, funny and interesting, and the things they teach us were varied. One class we could be watching a movie to see the photography frames and the movements of the camera, and the next week they could show us some typography. What I learned from them was some of the works we could do as designers and that I’ll probably have to do most of them in the future when I’m searching for a job. Sometimes I didn’t like the assignments at all, but I’d do it because I didn’t want a bad grade and because I didn’t want to disappoint Vico and Mauro.

Another subject that I mostly enjoyed was “Conceptual Representation”, because there we were drawing most of the time, doing some sketches and exercises to loosen our hands to draw more naturally. And because two of the teachers knew my sister the year before and they treated me well in her memory, she was a good student. "Palma's carry the talent in the blood", one of them even said.        


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