Environment and My Career

If you look at it in a certain way, Design started with the industrial revolution, the big design that considers materials, costs and more advanced technology to build a standard object. So, the career is dragging the benefits and the disadvantages of it from the start, but only now we are starting to realize the level of damage that have done to the environment.

You could contaminate in any stage of the production process of a designed object, from the recollection of raw materials, to the process on the factories, to the dispose of the final product after it is used, and that is something people are only recognizing now. Actually, we’re taught in college to consider and plan for this things, how we could make our products more environmental friendly and what will happen with them after people throw them away.

People also are more conscious about environmental issues thanks to global media and the easy access to this kind of information, they could appreciate when a product is environmental friendly and sometimes are willing to pay more for it. That is great, because then companies are more willing to make their products that way and reduce their contamination ratings.

We can see an example of this on the decision to reduce or eliminate plastic bags from the supermarkets here on Chile, and the idea of Starbucks to eliminate the plastic sipping tubes from their stores.


  1. Hello Camila, just like you feel that when creating things the designer should think about the materials!

  2. Hi camila I think your idea is so possible, we need eliminate the plastic from our lives

  3. It's so true that our career contaminate so much our world… because incluiding the procces of the digital construction of an object we contaminate in a pasive mood...


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